
About Me

Nakajima Sachiko

 I initially started in the bookmaking world, where I was involved in the industry for several years. However, I realized down the line that I wanted to expand my artistic passions into other ventures. All my life, I have had a love of cats and their beauty. They had always inspired me in all of my various artistic disciplines. When I finally decided that it was time for me to pursue painting, the subjects of my work were therefore an easy and obvious choice. Since then, I have been drawing and painting cats in various forms, often integrating these images with nature-inspired insignias. Bookmaking still impacts my work, as I have been involved in that world for far longer than I have been painting. The knowledge I’ve gained in binding manuscripts and designing covers has proved useful, as the craft continues to inspire the images that I continue to draw and paint to this day.

 Emergence Series  Thunder cat tribe series  Do Re Mi cat series  Birthstone heart series
Watercolor series

Thunder cat tribe series

Upon suddenly uttering the phrase “cat egg”, someone requested I create a drawing based on the idea. Thus, I began to develop the thunder cat species, which is a type of cat with bird wings that settles in thunder clouds and lays eggs. This fantasy world will continue to grow as I add details.

I appreciate you taking the time to browse through my work. Please get in touch if you are interested in commissions or purchasing any of the available art. (Artwork with THIS MARK is available for purchase.)
Hawk princess
Thunder Cat tribe lays eggs

27,500 yen  [tax included]
Frame size 263×383×18mm
Purchase / Inquiry

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