
About Me

Nakajima Sachiko

 I initially started in the bookmaking world, where I was involved in the industry for several years. However, I realized down the line that I wanted to expand my artistic passions into other ventures. All my life, I have had a love of cats and their beauty. They had always inspired me in all of my various artistic disciplines. When I finally decided that it was time for me to pursue painting, the subjects of my work were therefore an easy and obvious choice. Since then, I have been drawing and painting cats in various forms, often integrating these images with nature-inspired insignias. Bookmaking still impacts my work, as I have been involved in that world for far longer than I have been painting. The knowledge I’ve gained in binding manuscripts and designing covers has proved useful, as the craft continues to inspire the images that I continue to draw and paint to this day.

Shadow box  Kiriko cut glass  Cat pretending to be a pansy..

A cat mimicking a pansy emerges from a pansy mimicking a cat.

The three-dimensional part of the cat’s head was sculpted by Tsutomu Funabashi.

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